You will require the following documents to complete this process
- Valid Means of ID (e.g. Passport, Driver’s License, Voters card etc.)
- Utility Bill not older than 6 months
- Passport Photograph

Please ensure these files are not greater than 2MB

Let's start with your Personal Info please fill all fields marked required

Fill in your Employment Status Info please fill all fields marked required

Please Provide your Bank Information

Please Provide your Next of Kin Information

Upload the Required Documents

File extensions allowed are jpeg, jpg, png or pdf max file size is 2MB


Last Name{{lastname}}
First Name{{firstname}}
Middle Names{{middlename}}
Residence{{houseno}} {{street}} {{city}} {{state}}
Marital Status{{maritalstatus}}
Email Address{{username}}
Mobile Phone{{phone}}
Employment Status
Employment Status{{employmentStatus}}
Employer's Name{{EmployerName}}
Annual Salary{{AnnualSalaryRange}}
Bank Information
Name of Bank{{nameOfBank}}
Bank Acct Number{{accountNumber}}
BVN Number{{bvn}}
Next Of Kin
Full Name {{nokFirstName}} {{nokMiddleName}} {{nokLastName}}
Relationship {{nokRelationship}}
Phone Number {{NOK_MobileNo}}
Email Address {{nokEmail}}